Jan Juc Acre House / Heartly + Project Now
Manufacturers: Artedomus, Brecciolino, Corsi and Nicolai, Costen/no, Dulux, Ebon Veneers, Eco Timber, Est Dusk, Haymes Paint, INAX, Ventech
Text description provided by the Interior Designers. The interior design of Jan Juc Acre responds to the local environment and community, to the original 1980s house, and to the personalities within the family that lives here. Each of these contexts informed interior design decisions. Driven by our client, the retention of the majority of the original building was a priority for both the interior and building design.
Highlighting the original timberwork, specifically the ceiling and beams, as well as the north-facing clerestory windows and views of the native landscape and pool were important details. These original elements are celebrated; they create a context and anchor point for the modern alterations added with the renovation. Earthy materials reflecting the location and history of the original structure were selected for practicality and to create a calming effect. The limestone flooring is purposefully used both internally and throughout the landscape, is both practical (and the sand is easily swept away) and beautiful.
Responsiveness to the site, the original structure, and the vibrant family who live here resulted in a truly unique and individualized design. Embracing these critical foundational elements as informing details, the project rises to meet the design challenge of these requirements rather than imposing trends or following the norm.