Rustic Craft Stick Home Decor

Looking for fun and easy DIY projects for kids? This rustic craft stick home decor is perfect! Using only a few simple materials, you can make a cute little house that can be used as a decoration or even a toy. Your kids will love using their creativity to design their own home, and you’ll love the finished product. Not to mention, it’s a great way to recycle some old craft sticks!

blue and green background under painted craft stick house

House of Craft Sticks

This craft stick house is a fun and easy project for kids and adults alike. They can be used for a variety of different purposes, and are easy to make. With a little creativity, you can make a really unique popsicle stick house.

There’s nothing more classic than a craft stick project, and we’ve made many of them in the past. If you like the idea of ​​home, you might also like this holiday craft stick gingerbread house or these simple craft stick bird feeder ideas too!

yellow paper behind craft stick house

What Glue Is Best for Connecting Craft Sticks?

There are several types of glue that can be used to connect craft sticks. Plain white glue or wood glue will usually suffice. However, if you want a stronger bond, you can use hot glue. You can also use stick glue, which is a type of adhesive specifically designed for use with craft sticks.

If you’re using white glue or wood glue, it’s important to make sure the sticks are aligned properly before you glue them together. You can use a ruler or straight edge to help you line up the sticks. Once the glue has dried, you can use a craft knife to remove the excess glue.

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If you use hot glue, it’s important to be careful. The glue can get very hot and burn your fingers. It’s best to have an adult help the kids with this project.

stick house crafts on white and blue paper

What Other Ways Can I Decorate My Popsicle Stick House?

Popsicle sticks can be painted or stained any color you like. You can also use a variety of different colors to create a colorful effect. Besides these easy changes, there are several other ways to update your home with a unique look. Below are some of my favourites.

  • Add beads, sequins or other small embellishments to give your home a different look.
  • Instead of paint, use markers or even crayons to color the craft sticks.
  • Add windows to the house by cutting a square and taping a sheet of plastic to the back of the house.
  • Give shutters a home near the window above by cutting small pieces of craft stick and painting them different colors and then sticking them next to the window you made.
  • Cut the edges of the craft sticks into different designs with shells or notches.

This project is a lot of fun to make and is ideal for using your imagination to create something unique.

blue background behind craft stick house with yellow floral accents

What Can I Use My Craft Stick House For?

Once you’ve finished decorating your popsicle stick house, you can use it for a variety of purposes. Sometimes, it’s not about usage, but just having fun creating, but below are some ideas on how this can be useful.

  • Have the children use them to create their own little diorama or “town” to play with their other toys.
  • Display it in a coat with holiday-themed accents for fall or winter.
  • Stick wreaths as accents along with natural flowers or vines.
  • Add an extra stick in the back for support to support it on the shelf like a picture frame.
  • Combine 4 into a box with a house shape and use it for kids’ playtime with small dolls or action figures.

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You can use these or even make one for the kids to sit on a shelf in their bedroom. And, while it may not have a definite purpose, parents and grandparents everywhere will welcome it as a gift!

stick house craft on a stump

Required Supplies

craft sticks on table with paint and small fake flowers

How to Make a Stick Craft House

To create this little project, you’ll want to stock up and have everything within reach. If making with kids I recommend also having a second project for them to work on while the paint dries for this one. Each house will need 8 crafting sticks if made as pictured here. Larger houses can be made with additional sticks.

To start, you will line up the 5 craft sticks so that they are side by side. Then, you will place one of the extra sticks on the bottom end of the sticks you stacked. Glue these onto them to make a base that holds all the sticks together.

hands putting craft sticks together on table

Now, place another craft stick at an oblique angle on top of the “house” so it is on top of the craft stick. Then add a second craft stick across from it to form a classic triangular roofline.

the craft stick is crossed over the craft stick housing

Carefully trim the excess craft stick on both sides and trim it to give the house the appearance of a gabled roof. Now, cut the bottom stick leaving only the shape of the house.

hand holding craft stick house on white table

Then it’s time to decorate the house you just made. I painted the house brown and then let it dry before adding an accent color.

hand painted orange stick house crafts

You can also use markers or crayons to give the house a weathered look.

white paint accents added to the craft stick home

Once everything is dry, you will arrange the fake flowers and greenery as desired around the edge of the house.

the wooden stick house is painted orange and white with faux flower accents

Decorate with the look of your choice and then use it as a stand or hang it on the wall!

woman in pink holding craft stick house

More Craft Stick Projects

If you have a trash can of craft sticks and need some ideas on what to do with them, we’ve got you covered! Whether you want to use them for a fun project or get the kids imaginative at play, these ideas are perfect to get you started. Make sure you bookmark this, print the tutorial, or even pin it to your crafting board on Pinterest to make it right away!

Results: 1

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stick house craft on a yellow mat

This adorable craft stick house is the perfect decoration for fall! Kids can make them in no time and create their own unique style.

Active Time
15 minutes

Additional time
30 minutes

Total Time
45 minutes


Estimated costs


  1. Align the 5 craft sticks side by side.
  2. Then, place one craft stick on the bottom end, and glue it into place to hold the sticks together. hands putting craft sticks together on table
  3. Next, place another stick at an oblique angle on top so it sits on top of the crafting stick.
  4. Add a second stick on the other side at an angle, creating a triangle/roofline.
  5. Use a craft knife or scissors, to trim excess craft rods from the sides to give this traditional gabled roof house the look. scissors used to trim the edges of the craft sticks
  6. Now, cut the bottom stick leaving only the shape of the house.
  7. Next, paint the house with brown or red paint, cover it well, then set it aside to paint on the craft stick house
  8. Once it’s dry, use a bit of white paint to splash it or brush it a bit in random places in the house to make it look weathered. Then, let it dry. white paint accents added to the craft stick home
  9. Once the house is dry, arrange the fake flowers and greenery on the top and edges and tape as desired. orange and white craft stick house on a white table the tree stump under the orange craft stick house


Use this as a way to keep the kids busy and let them build new homes with unique colors for each season.

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Completed Project Gallery

blue and green background under painted craft stick house

This is a cute idea that can easily be added to a holiday diorama.

Or just a fun project for the kids to do on a rainy day!

bright blue background behind craft stick house